Resistant and attractive, wooden decking nevertheless requires regular maintenance. The appearance of wood changes over time: sunlight, weathering and dirt are the 3 main causes of wood ageing. For the renovation and maintenance of outdoor wood, Groupe Berkem has developed a range of professional solutions through its XILIX EXPERT network. The quality of our wood protection formulations guarantees you reliable, long-lasting materials.
Before treating or renovating decking wood, it is essential to prepare the substrate properly so that it can be impregnated. Before application, the wood must be clean and free of any protective coatings or finishes. Our XILIX TERRACE WOOD CLEANER solution thoroughly cleans wooden terraces.
XILIX DÉGRISEUR HYDRO [HYDRO BRIGHTNER], our high-performance, fast-acting woodstain remover, is suitable for all types of wood and can be used to :
XILIX DÉGRISEUR HYDRO can be applied with a brush, roller or low-pressure sprayer (the use of a high-pressure cleaner is not recommended to avoid raising the wood fibres).
Wooden decking needs to be protected from damp, UV rays and temperature variations. XILIX SATURATOR T-HD is a proven effective application product that makes it easy to maintain outdoor wood:
Formulated in an aqueous phase and ready to use, it is easy to apply and dries quickly. What’s more, XILIX SATURATEUR T-HD won’t flake, peel or flour.
In this way, decking wood is strengthened and can withstand the effects of the weather.
Through XILIX EXPERT, Groupe Berkem is committed to helping you ensure the reliability of your outdoor wood. Discover our range of solutions for professionals to clean, treat, protect and embellish wood.